Trine and Adrian at the Zoo

Wow, what a beautiful day.
Adrian and I made our way into the city today, and spent the day at the Zoo. It is crazy, but I have lived in Australia, the land of the Kangaroo's for more than two years, and had until today not seen one. At least one that was alive.. Well, today was the day. The sky was blue, the sun warm and the day perfect for our little adventure. So we packed our bags, mainly with chocholate since it is our junk-eat chocolate day today, and jumped on the train into the city. We went for a little stroll down to the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge before we took the ferry over to Zaroonga Zoo, where we spent the day chillin, wandering around, doing nothing else than looking at all the weird and amazing creatures. And yes, I finally saw kangaroo's. So I feel fulfilled and satisfied. Wonderful! One of the funniest and most gross experiences was when we went and saw the monkeys. We went close and looked, and one of the older monkeys came and sat close to the window where we were watching. What we did not know was that he had a need to go toilet, so just in front of us, he start picking his behind, and pulls out his dinner from yesterday. As this was not enough he pees all over his hands, soo.. we started laughing.. and then just left him alone to finish his business. And some people say that we originated from the monkeys... What were they thinking???
We took a sky train up to the top, and the view was beautiful over Sydney and the Opera House. So nice to walk around without having to worry about what time it was or that we had to be somewhere at a certain time. The whole day was just relaxing and wonderful! Such great soul food.
So when you come visiting, cause I hope that some of you will soon.. we can go to the Zoo.. I know all the animals by name now, so they are ready for us whenever you decide to make your way down here.....
Heia! Funny at du har begynt å blogge da sis! Morsomt, hørte fattern sa det, og jeg har faktisk sett på "blogger" eller "blogspot" før... kanskje noe for Ragnhild å bruke til blogg-opplegget sitt. hilsen Biggest BigBrother
Konge søss! Juppsi Duppsi! Prekast!
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