Trine and Adrian

WE HAVE MOVED TO ÅLESUND.. pretty crazy after three big and wonderful years in Sydney and Hillsong. A new and exciting season is ahead with wedding in may, norwegian classes for Adrian and work for me, we are moving into a brand new house (Adrian will have the house all to himself until may) and we are going to do lots in our church, Agapekirka. EXCITING AND SCARY ALL AT ONCE!!!!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Day 4

After a late night last night, I was sooo excited that I could have a proper sleep in this morning. But at 830 I woke up of Adrian singing his beautiful heart out in the room next door.. Some would say that it couldnt be a better way of waking up, but at first I have to admit I was a little frustrated. He could choose another time to do just that.. but as I got some food and hot chocolate, it was all good... (gosh, Katie... this sounds familiar...)

Well, It has been such a beautiful day today. Mum and dad was working so we didnt have a car, so we stayed at home. As the temperature was around 25, we just laid in the sun for a few hours. So nice to chill, read, sleep and just enjoy the sun.

Around 3 we packed food and drinks, and mum, dad and one of my amazing girlfriends Trude,went on the water for the rest of the avo. The water was really still, and we stopped on one of the small islands and had lunch/dinner. One of the best things is the silence, and when you go on the water, there is just such peace. SOOO amazing! We drove out to the city and through Brosundet. All in all a beautiful trip... Driving in through Brosundet
Adrian loving life...
Not sure how safe it is with this crazy person behind the wheel..
We anquored up at an island to eat
Adrian and Mum

Well, Adrian is going along with my family so well. mum and him has a great form of communication.. when mum doesnt know what to say, she just hugs him...and I think he likes it.. hehe.. Dad is pumped about having another son in the house... And me? Well.. I an loving having him here......... and it just keeps getting better....


At 12:46 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey hope ur good?? I just got your mail thingy from Nina as I completely forgot it!! oops!! Well, I hope the wedding goes well, and I'm really glad to hear that Adrian is getting on well and fitting into the family!!

I have met soooo many new Norweigan students so I'm thinking I need some language lessons!! They are the funniest people I've ever met!! I might come to Scandinavian connect!! (Adrian and I can be guests!!)

Well, I'm off to bed, it's EXO day tomorrow! Have a good one and be HEAPS blessed!!


At 3:55 pm, Blogger maria said...

Høres ut som dokke har det veldi bra, Trine!

Sitte her å e overfrustrert på data'n min... har mest lyst ut til exo-day, men uten bil... får vel bare ta til takke m å bli m annette etter møtet i kveld... vel, vel... it's all good...

Savna dej masse her nede!! Kos dokke videre!!



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