Day 4
After a late night last night, I was sooo excited that I could have a proper sleep in this morning. But at 830 I woke up of Adrian singing his beautiful heart out in the room next door.. Some would say that it couldnt be a better way of waking up, but at first I have to admit I was a little frustrated. He could choose another time to do just that.. but as I got some food and hot chocolate, it was all good... (gosh, Katie... this sounds familiar...)
Well, It has been such a beautiful day today. Mum and dad was working so we didnt have a car, so we stayed at home. As the temperature was around 25, we just laid in the sun for a few hours. So nice to chill, read, sleep and just enjoy the sun.
Around 3 we packed food and drinks, and mum, dad and one of my amazing girlfriends Trude,

Well, Adrian is going along with my family so well. mum and him has a great form of communication.. when mum doesnt know what to say, she just hugs him...and I think he likes it.. hehe.. Dad is pumped about having another son in the house... And me? Well.. I an loving having him here......... and it just keeps getting better....
Hey hope ur good?? I just got your mail thingy from Nina as I completely forgot it!! oops!! Well, I hope the wedding goes well, and I'm really glad to hear that Adrian is getting on well and fitting into the family!!
I have met soooo many new Norweigan students so I'm thinking I need some language lessons!! They are the funniest people I've ever met!! I might come to Scandinavian connect!! (Adrian and I can be guests!!)
Well, I'm off to bed, it's EXO day tomorrow! Have a good one and be HEAPS blessed!!
Høres ut som dokke har det veldi bra, Trine!
Sitte her å e overfrustrert på data'n min... har mest lyst ut til exo-day, men uten bil... får vel bare ta til takke m å bli m annette etter møtet i kveld... vel, vel... it's all good...
Savna dej masse her nede!! Kos dokke videre!!
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