Team Tip to the Coast
What a great weekend!!!

Adam(US), Dave(Scottland/Ireland, Elise, Kristen, Nina(all norwegians), Katie(US), Trine, Adrian and Ben(UK)
Trine and I took a group of friends to the central coast on the weekend....We went up to lead the praise and Worship in my mum and dad's Church. It was so good to get away from the Bella bubble (The area we live in) and smell the fesh sea air. When we got to the coast we stopped at macca's for ice cream then went to the beach.

The girls kind of went crazy chasing a couple and their bridal party that took their wedding photos on the beach, and loudly discussed wedding dress, hair, make up and who knows what. After that the boys went out to the church and set up for sunday morning, while the girls went to the grocery store... and i tell you they got food. 3 norwegians and an american/norwegian (Katie is half norwegian after living with Trine for 2 years) means that there will be food, and LOTS of it.

After sharing a great meal together, getting to know each a little better, we had rehearsals. And then.. MORE FOOD! Katie has been giving her voice some rest lately, so she was THE BOMB preparing things in the kitchen, doing the dishes and just serving us, which was such a blessing! THANKS KATIE!
The night got a little crazy after 1am when the tea towel fight got violent..Trine, Katie and Adam have the scars to prove it!!! And this much can be said, we will never look at a teatowel the same again.. We pretty much ran around for an hour chasing each other with tea towels, and for all you norwegians that dont know what I am talking about.. I will show you in august..
We all slept in the church as you do on a proper team trip, the girls in the Pastors office and us guy's in the main aud. I slept on the altar and it was great to chill with Jesus...
The morning was great, it was so fun to have great friends together leading people in Worship. Seriouly we are blessed to have such great people in our world, and this weekend was another great highlight of our year.

After Church we had a feast together then drove back to sydney for Sunday night Church at Hillsong...
It was really great to get out and just have a weekend of fun.. it can sometimes get a bit intense, and you do the same week in week out, so we all feel refreshed and totally blessed!!
Life is so good only 18 days until we aer in Norway!!!!
I look forward to meeting all Trine's family and friends
Snakkes Adrian...
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