6 Months already!!
Hi Friends...This is the first Blog that Trine and I have written together but at different times..

Well a week ago Trine and Celebrated 6 months of dating..Pretty Crazy that half a year has already gone by...because something is always happening in our lives, we celebrated over the weekend. Saturday night we went to our first movie together!! I know it took me a long time...It was great to hang out...Then Monday night were invited out to dinner with Friends..Trine seriously blessed me!!! She is such a generous Women and always suprises me with amazing gifts...It was cool tuesday becuase we got to Lead Worship together in college..good times...
I am so thankful that Trine is apart of my life...She is the Bomb!!!
Ok Trine's turn to write....
Well, what can I say.. time goes fast when you have fun... Half a year together.. who would have thought..?? No, but it has been six fun, crazy, challenging and sooo good months.. You know, a relationship really does bring out the best and the worst in you.. man, Adrian has sometimes really experienced that with me.. ha... but how good that you have a best friend that you can just tell everything. You can share the good things, and the things that arent that great.. and it is cool.. he still likes me.. it was so funny the other day, as I had one of those days..girls you know what I am talking about.. and before going to connect group jumped into my blue fleece comfy pants and a hoodie, and big thick norwegian wool socks.. and he proudly proclaimed as I came down the stairs, Man you look so beautiful even in your comfy clothes.. yes.. i tell you.. he is a keeper...
It has been a journey, and the journey continues... less than 3 weeks and Adrian will be able to see more of me as I reveal my greatest treasure, my family and the people I know at home... i am nervous... adrian is pumped..hehe. It is going to be so great, and we are both really really excited. Finally he will be able to see what has made me who I am, my family who I just love more than anything... (except for Jesus..., just had to throw that in there), and my amazing friends.. You know you guys have been the ones making me to the woman I am today.. obviously my journey has continued here, with people I am blessed to know in Sydney, and other places in the world.. but it is a pretty cool thought. As friends and family we impact and influence each others lives in a way bigger scale than we understand...
So Adrian, my best friend.. E E GLA I DE! You are such a blessing!
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