Trine and Adrian

WE HAVE MOVED TO ÅLESUND.. pretty crazy after three big and wonderful years in Sydney and Hillsong. A new and exciting season is ahead with wedding in may, norwegian classes for Adrian and work for me, we are moving into a brand new house (Adrian will have the house all to himself until may) and we are going to do lots in our church, Agapekirka. EXCITING AND SCARY ALL AT ONCE!!!!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Adrian's 21st Brithday

A message from Adrian

Well Thursday was my 21st Birthday...We had so much fun....I began the morning with Trine at my door, in her hands a norwegain Birthday cake(jordbær bløtkake) and present's!! The cake tasted so amazing, I had one piece and then left it in the fridge...But before I had my second piece the boys in my house almost ate most of the cake! hahah Champions...
Then Trine and I lead Worship at Hillsong men..That was fun because we hadn't lead together since last year....After the meeting my mate Adam took Trine, Katie and I out to lunch which was soo good, there is nothing like great friends,food and LLB(lemon lime bitters for those of you that didnt know...).We had a relaxing afternoon lying in the park, sun shinning,delig slappe av!
Then I was told we were going to my parents house for dinner..But 45 minutes before we planned to leave, JD showed up in my house with a black jacket..and a little note that said "Change of plan"..So I got ready to go out..then my Beautiful Princess shows up in a black luxury sports car...and say's do you want to drive!!! So I drove us into the city and we took a relaxing walk around the Opera house area..Then we get to the wharf and there is a Huge ship sitting there..Captian Cook Cruise's and we boarded for a three course meal on the ship as it floated through the Sydney habour..It was a stunning night with a stunning Lady...Then to top it off the Ship's entertainment sings Happy Birhtday to me along with the 150 other people on the ship...So much fun

Trine went over the top for me and I apprecaite her soo much...So you all better leave great comments for her to read!!



At 3:24 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the Photo

At 4:51 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Adrian!!!
Sounds like you had a really good time.. :)
Trine, you are the best! :) Hope to see you both in July!
Puss och kram.

At 9:36 pm, Blogger mie said...

Hello there, and happy birthday!! I am a new reader and you don´t know me, but I wanted to say that your birthday sounded like a magical day...Almost made me jealous! ; )

At 10:39 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeg oppdaget jo nettopp bloggen din!! SÅ gøy:o) Det høres virkelig ut som du har det helt topp - godt å høre:o) Alt bra her også!! Jobber i bookinga på ColorLine (trives veldig godt!), er masse med i ungdomsarbeidet hjemme på øya - helt supert!!
Jeg tenker fortsatt tilbake på fjorårets tur til Sydney med STOR glede - jeg så priviligert som fikk treffe deg og gjengen der nede!!
Hils alle kjente!! Og forresten: GRATULERER med Adrian, så kjempekoselig å høre:o)
Stor klem fra Helene

At 9:26 am, Blogger Trine Hanken said...

saaa koslig!!!
har proevd aa finne tilbake til bloggen din, men uten suksess...
kan du legge igjen adressen!??

Haaper alt er bra!!!! Oline er jo her, og hun er saa koslig. Hadde vaert noe om du aassaa kom en tur... Det var saa kjekt i fjor da du var her!!!!

NYt livet og sommeren hjemme!!
God klem Trine


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