Trine and Adrian

WE HAVE MOVED TO ÅLESUND.. pretty crazy after three big and wonderful years in Sydney and Hillsong. A new and exciting season is ahead with wedding in may, norwegian classes for Adrian and work for me, we are moving into a brand new house (Adrian will have the house all to himself until may) and we are going to do lots in our church, Agapekirka. EXCITING AND SCARY ALL AT ONCE!!!!

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Control Freak...

Been thinking a lot lately about being in control.. Or maybe more of letting go of it.. I tend to be a control freak. I like to have a plan. I like to achieve and to see my plan and goal fulfilled.. I like to know what is happening, and be in charge.. Hmm.. I have come to know life isn't always like that. And I don't think it was meant to either. But it is still sometimes hard. I often just want to hold on to whatever I can to stay on top of things, knowing what is going on. But then I realize that it will only limit me. Hmm.. It isn't always easy to see the bigger picture. But if I get too caught up in the tiny details, my journey is going to be more difficult. I need to lift my eyes. Someone at church was saying it last weekend: when we become too inwardly focused, to busy figuring out what is happening to meg, mitt og mine, as we would say in Norwegian, we loose focus. The challenges become bigger, the road seem harder. But as we lift our eyes. Focus on what really matters, focus on Jesus, the Rock. Focus on where we are heading. Then we will move. Then we will see things from a different perspective... Wonder if I make sense.. Well.. At least it makes sense to me.

I want to leave a legacy. In every encounter with people. Leave something more lasting than a hand shake and a polite greeting. I want to impart into and invest into people. Encourage, inspire and lift up. Be someone that can lift peoples eyes of the challenges, off the hardships, and help them see the bigger picture. Help them see the journey from a different perspective.

Hmm.. A bit reflective tonight... Lots of thoughts in my head lately. Some time I feel really weird. But then Praise the Lord, the preacher at Youth on Friday, said that it is ok to be weird. So I am now going to be weird and be proud of it. Ha....
God is soo faithful! And I love it. When we feel like things doesn't make sense, He brings clarity. He is the most trustworthy friend and companion.

Well well.. I have been in front of the computer all day, so my eyes are almost square. Have been working, and then writing on my thesis. All the girls have been home tonight, so we have been hanging out for a while. Soo good to just be able to laugh and chill. The girls in my house are amazing! Such a big blessing!!

Well.. Tomorrow it is Mothersday here. SOOOO many thoughts go to my amazing mum in Norway. She is seriously the most amazing and godly woman I know. We are spending the day in church tomorrow before we head up the coast tomorrow night to spend sunday night and monday with Adrians family. We have mondays off, so we are just going to relax, probably go for a walk at the beautiful beach up there and enjoy life. Natalie, Adrians sister got engaged today to Andrew. So we are celebrating that as well.. Good stuff happening! Andrew proposed on top of the Harbour Bridge, so they were all pumped when they called earlier. We are absolutely excited for them both!!!!

Well... I better stop here.... Take care!


At 5:13 pm, Blogger mie said...

Thank you for bringing that perspective back in my life today... : ) I needed to hear that right now. (Not just because of the forthcoming journey that you know about, but because of difficult family matters...) I don´t think you´re weird by the way, I understood what you were saying perfectly! ; )

At 3:48 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hei Trine!
Takk for sist, det var vel på flyet en gang.....
Det er så koselig å se at du følger med på bloggen til Elise, og det er så godt å lese at du er med å ber for dem, tusen takk skal du ha. Her kommer et lite nødrop fra ei litt fortvilt farmor..... Vet at det er mange som er med å ber når dere legger fram bønnelapper i kirka, tror du at du kan legge fram en lapp med anmodning om å be for Elise (og for mor og far) Det som dem ikke har kontroll på nå er at hun har så mye slim i lungene og hoster og hoster......og det er ikke akkurat godt for henne, og dem vet ikke hva det kommer av og dette gjør at hun trenger litt ekstra oksygen. Hun er ikke forkjølet og det er ikke det fryktede RS viruset så nå har dem tatt masse prøver, røntgen, ultralyd, ja alt som kan tenkes for å prøve å finne ut av det. Vegar skal levere en eksamensoppgave på mandag, så han leser eller prøver å lese og Margrehe bor på sykehuset, og dem er ganske sliten. Du må unnskylde meg, men du vet, det hjertet er fylt av osv....., og jeg kan bare ikke la være å bruke alle tenkelige kanaler.....
Må få benytte anledingen når jeg først er innom her å gratulere med kjæreste, du må være utrolig forelsket for du er så vakker på alle bildene :-)))))))) Ønsker dere alt godt. Du må hilse til alle sunnmøringene. God Bless You..
Hilsen Elisabeth

At 7:49 am, Blogger Trine Hanken said...

Hei Elisabeth!!!

Takk for sist!
Ja, det er helt klart at jeg skal putte inn en bønne lapp. Det har jeg allerede gjort for Elise, men jeg skal gjøre det på nytt!
Det knuser hjertet mitt å se de små ha det så vondt, og å se at Vegard og Margrethe er så slitne. Ikke mye annet jeg kan gjøre enn å be, men det skal jeg iallefall være med på.
Og så må jeg bare si at dere er kjempe fantastiske besteforeldre. Har jo skjønt at dere stiller opp så mye som dere kan, og det betyr vannvittig masse for dem, det er jeg sikker på!

Jeg skrev det til Mie her om dagen. Men stol på Gud. han er trofast!!!
Hils Vegard og MArgrethe så mye!!!!!

God klem Trine


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