Briksdals Glacier

Well.. Today was a new day, and we woke up ready for new adventures. I crawled out of bed at 730, just to see the fog covering the mountains completely and mum telling me it had been raining heavily all night. We thought that our plans to go to the Briksdals glacier was thrown out the window. Adrian was pretty happy about that right then and there, as he just turned around in his bed and continued sleeping. But you know.. we are not easy to stop and a bit of rain and fog certainly wont do it. So around 930 we were on our way, and Runar, Arild, Adrian and I got in the car driving about 3 hours to Olden, which is south of Ă…lesund. Beautiful mountains and fjords greeted us, as we got closer to the glacier.
We parked the car, and started on our walk up in the mountain, with one purpose and one goal: TO TOUCH IT!!! Adrian in borrowed shoes, that was a little too small was amazed, and so were we by the stunning waterfalls and awesome scenary. One of the waterfalls we walked pass gave us a little shower, and there are enormous amounts of water floating every minute. Pretty amazing! We had so much fun, taking photos from all kinds of angles and corners. It was such great quality time with my brothers and Adrian.

As we got close to the glacier, Adrian got more and more excited, and I seriously felt like a tourist taking hundreds of photos of him.. haha.. it was funny, we actually all looked like tourists in way too big jackets, and with cameras around our neck. The glacier has been there for several hundred years, and it was pretty cool walking on it and touching it. No photos can really capture the experience and what it looks like. It is amazing!

We found a massive rock and sat down to eat lunch. It is not often you eat your sandwich with a massive glacier a few meters away.. so we enjoyed our food, our chocolate, the fellowship.. and the boys brought plenty of cheese to share... GREAT joy for me... (who knows it is not always easy to be the only girl.... )

After saying a teary farwell to Briksdalsbreen, we started our walk back down. Adrians feet now really started to tell him that his shooes were too small.. so Arild and Runar started singing : I feel it in my finger, I feel it in my toe... as Adrians finger is still hurting from his trip on the Manta Ray, and on top of this, his feet now had blisters.. I just told him: It truly is hard to be a man....

Oh well.. we got back safely, though a few blisters and soar feet. We all agreed that it was ALL worth it!

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