Trine and Adrian

WE HAVE MOVED TO ÅLESUND.. pretty crazy after three big and wonderful years in Sydney and Hillsong. A new and exciting season is ahead with wedding in may, norwegian classes for Adrian and work for me, we are moving into a brand new house (Adrian will have the house all to himself until may) and we are going to do lots in our church, Agapekirka. EXCITING AND SCARY ALL AT ONCE!!!!

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Sydney life...

Well, i am writing this sitting in my bed under my blanket feeling very sorry for myself.... ha... yesterday my throat started hurting and today I feel like.. yeah,, not too great.... Oh well... a little pity party for myself.. and then Ill get over it... I just really want my mum right now.. there is nothing like having your mum, and my mum is the BEST, when you are sick... or fighting off sickness as Adrian would say... it is all in the confession you know...

Oh well.. we are back in Sydney and we are doing great. It was a little shock getting back to the busyness and full days after having holiday and just chillin in Ålesund, but we are getting back into things. Last week was straight into a conference with Joseph Prince from Singapore. he spoke on grace and favour, and it was amazing days with challenging and new thoughts on these subjects. He is an amazing communicator and lots of fun. So last week we had full days from early morning to late night. Office, classes, rehearsals and services, But it was great, What a blessing to be a part of what God is doing. Friday we went to the city campus as Adrian was singing an item for the conference there. And i tell you he did SOO amazing! he pretty much is the BOMB! I am really blessed!!

on the weekend we had birthday party for Noemi (one of my housemates). She is from Puerto Rico. Beautiful, Loud, alive and so much fun. So lots of people over and lots of food, which we love.. great fun...
Sunday we had Scandinavian Network, which is kind of a connect group for all the Scandinavian students once a week. And I dont even know how many we are any more. only this term we got about 20 new norwegian students here, and we are now close to 50 in total. Crazy... one thing is sure, NOrway will never be the same again....

Well.. I miss everyone at home.. it was hard to say goodbye again... and i was on web cam with Naomi and linnea the other day as Naomi had her 5th birthday. Linnea just kept on saying auntie auntie as she saw me,. and you know that almost kills me, even at 3 in the morning as it was..... Gosh.. i miss my little girls... Just need to put in some photos of them to show how yummy they are....
Naomi with the drawing she made for me, It is of course on my wall in my room..
Linnea giving me a big cuddle... Finally at the end she started to love me,... hehe...
Ida.. what can I say.. this moment was like heaven on earth!

Well.. summer is really on its way here, so that is nice. Monday I joined Nina and Pauline at our pool, they live just down the street, and Nina even went for a swim. It was freezing though, but refreshing according to Nina...

Oh well... Ill stop here for now.
Hope you are all doing great where ever you are... You are much loved!


At 12:48 am, Blogger Gunnar said...

Hi, great to see that you both are safe and living well back "home" in Sydney. Really sorry that we missed our big chance to meet up with you in Oslo - hope to get a second chance some day...


At 7:21 am, Blogger mie said...

Heisann! Nå er jeg oppdatert! Virker som dere har hatt det kjempekoselig hjemme....Neste gang dere kommer innom Oslo så må vi møtes! ;)

At 7:37 am, Blogger Trine Hanken said...

Hei Gunnar og Kristin..
Ja vi skulle absolutt ha møttes, men ble begrensa tid i Oslo, så vi får ta det igjen ved neste anledning.
Håper dere har det toppers i ny leiligheta. Så jo veldig tøff ut på bloggen....

Mie, jeg snakka faktisk med Anka om at det hadde vært supermoro å reist innom dere og sagt hei, men tiden strakk bare ikke til... Vi får gjør det åsså neste gang.. Håper alt går bra med Sam, Elissa, husbonden og studenten.

At 5:57 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Trine!
I love to read your updates..! I miss you. Good to read about your wonderful time in Norway! I'm so happy for you! Great that you had a chance to really relax. I now the busy life you're usually in... :)
Say hi to Adrian for me. You are both amazing people and I'm blessed to be your friend!
Be blessed!
Love you.

At 5:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant KNOW, of course... not NOW *LOL*


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