The BIG Adventure
Well, we are engaged! Guess that is enough information for the male readers of this blog.. but for you girls (and the boys that are into the details), here is the full story of our October 7th Adventure.
Well.. it has been a few busy weeks, and not much time for Adrian and i to hang out, so when he left me a note in the mail telling me he was taking me away for the day, I did not think in any shape or form about getting engaged. Ever since we got back from Norway, we have talked future, and obviously started making plans considering that we made the decision to move to Norway, but he has been telling me over and over again, that he is soooo annoyed that he is not in the financial position right now to buy a ring.. Well I have been trying to assure him that hey... it is not so important with that ring.. so anyways, my mind was totally shut off to the idea of him proposing on this day...
Well, he had given me a card with instructions, and 6:20am, I was ready to be picked up. He had borrowed a good friends nice car for the day, and we headed off towards the central coast where his parents live. As we got closer, he suddenly took off from the road, and we drove into an airport. One of his best mates from the coast, Matty is a pilot and imports smaller airplanes and sell them. Anyways, we met him, and he took us for an hours flight in a 4 seater..

It was amazing, such a beautiful morning, and believe it or not: I FLEW THE AIRPLANE!!! It was scary, but sooo much fun!!

Well, after saying goodbye to Matt, we jumped in the car, and went straight to Adrians parents place where Mama Sue had breakfast ready, and we had a great hour with Adrians family. they are really awesome, and it had been a while since I had been at the coast, so that was really nice... Well.. Adrian then dropped me at a lady called Yvonne's house. She gave me 1 hour FULL BODY MASSAGE, and I have never felt so relaxed in my life. It was AMAZING!!
Adrian then picked me up, asked me to change into my swimmers, and we headed towards the beach. But it wasnt just any beach, we drove 40 minutes to get to Pearl Beach which was the beach where we had our VERY FIRST DATE!! Adrian had organised a picnic bag, and Mama Sue had cooked more food, and we had a lazy hour at the beach chillin and eating. Neither of us were really hungry, but we had soo much food. We didnt even touch a quarter of it..... He then gave me a little card with the next location, and next stop was Max Brenner. For those of you that have never heard about this, it is a cafe where everything they serve is chocolate. I LOVE CHOCOLATE! We have often talked about going there, but never been. So we went there and got waffles with strawberry and lots of melted chocoalte over... YUMMY!! it was delicious!!

Well, I thought that Adrian was not able to keep things a secret from me... but it turned out to be wrong.. He even got other people involced in "lying".. So one of the days we were sitting in the office, he showed me an email from Julie, she is the one overseeing all the singers at church. Adrian had already said no to sing in church this saturday because we were going away, but he thought that I started to know something, so he organised for Julie to email him saying that they really needed him to sing, so I now thought we had to be back at 4pm. Well... i thought he was telling the truth, why wouldnt I, so he suddenly said that Julie just called and that someone else could fill in for him.. Oh well.. i didnt think about it any more, but just said that that was perfect, cause it meant we could spend more time together. Gosh.. how could I be so naive... So we went back to his parents place, and had a shower and got dressed up in the nice clothes that we had brought. And he told me he had made reservations at our favourite cafe in Manly which is one of the most famous beaches in Sydney. We drove about 2 hours to get back down, and had a really nice dinner at Bluewater Cafe. It was full moon and the stars were out too, but it was really really windy. When we got out from the restaurant, he wanted to go for a walk, and me with my dress on was shaking as the wind was really cold. But he insisted that we went for a stroll along the beach, so with his suit jacket on, I was armed for the "enjoyable" walk. Finally he had to admit it was too cold, and we got in the car and drove up towards Northead (I think that is what it is called). THis is a viewpoint over the whole city, and we always drive up there when we are at Manly. He put on Kurt Nielsens "On my mind", which has been our song since he sang it to me on our Valentines Date in february. He made some random phone calls, but I still didnt think that he was up to anything. As we came to the parkinglot, I FINALLY understood as his guitar was the first thing I saw as we drove in. Big letters LOVE was on the ground, and flowers and candles. I just bursted out " CRAP", and held my hands in front of my face. Hehe.. Adriand had to ask me to get out of the car... sooo funny looking back.. oh well, so he placed me on the grass, while he sang me a song he wrote to me. It was absolutely stunning. If I cried? No, I actually didnt... not then, I was sooo overwhelmed that I didnt really do anything else than smile.... But as he asked me to stand up, I couldnt help it anymore... then he got down on one knee... and proposed IN NORWEGIAN!! GOSH!!!

So what can I say... tears, joy and excitement all together! After a long day, we were suddenly engaged.... to be married.. scary but at the same time SOOO amazing!! I truly am blessed with an amazing man, and looking at all the details he has planned blows my mind....
(Thank you to Katie, Morten and Jamin that did all the practical stuff so that the actual proposal could take place.. it was amazing!!! Katie and Morten couldnt help but cry hiding in the bushes.....hehe)
Well.. what else can I say.. It was the perfect day with the best man I could ever imagine....
and one thing is for sure...
Å!Gratulerer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you're perfect for each other, a God-made team:) så glad på deres vegne!!! nyt tiden som nyforlovet!!
god klem, Oline
We're so excited for you guys! The story was amazing! Adrian....well done!!! We wish we could be there to celebrate with you...but let us know when the wedding is. You know, London isn't that far away from Norway!! ;o)
Love you are so blessed!
And, by the way, marriage is awesome!!!!
Love; James and Kylee
JIPPIII!! Gratulerer!!! SÅ gøy å høre:o)
Hehe Gratulere da :) Så utrolig bra.
Herren har plana vettu. Forlovet!!! Også kommer dere til Norge det e jo også stas. Fint hus dere har kjøpt, var og titta på det i går.
Gratulere så utrolig mye :)
Hilsen Lars Marius
ÅH WOW!!!!!! Jeg har tydeligvis ikke hengt med i det siste - hadde ikke fått med meg noen av disse fantastiske tingene!! GRATULERER!!!!!! Jeg begynte faktisk å GRÅTE når jeg leste om den romantiske dagen deres!! Og så kommer dere til Norge og alt mulig. Gratulerer med hus også!
Chris gikk også på norskkurs når vi flyttet hit etter å ha vært gift ett år, mens jeg jobbet. Det gikk kjempefint, men Chris anbefaler å aldri falle for fristelsen det er å snakke engelsk med alle nordmennene som vil øve seg på engelsk... ; ) Hvis man bare vil nok, så lærer man fort! ; )
Oh my gosh!!! I asked Adrian on wednesday: Are you gonna ask her in Norwegian? ... He didn`t really know he said... To funny!!!!! Sounds like the best day ever!!! Wish you all the best, awesom people!!!!
Gratulerer så mye!! Jeg ble kjempe glad da jeg leste og, og så gøy at dere skal flytte til norge. Vi må få til et beøsk da!!! Kos dere masse sammen, å være forlovet er noe helt spesielt!!!
Klem fra Hilde
Congratulations!! :)
This is SO exciting ... wow I'm really happy for you guys. Great times ahead for you! :)
Be blessed
FINALLY! :) Well, I know you haven't been together that long but for someone who has been waiting even before you became a couple.... :)
Congratulations!!!! We are so happy for you!
Lots of love and hugs!
Congratulations and hipp hipp hurray! Finally Arild gets the guitarplayer he´s been praying for all these years! We love you and we´re looking forward to being your neighbours. Enjoy life, see you soon!
Love Ida, Hilde and Arild
P.s. Great ring Adrian, Hilde loved it and thinks Trine is very lucky! Arild liked the chocolate-plate! Yammy!
Wow Trine..! Ka kan e vel si..? Det e jo bare saa koselig da! Graulere...!! :D
Her e livet bare bra, utfordrende, men kjekt! Laere mye og blir pusha paa mange maata. Lure virkelig paa ka ditta aaret her vil gi me, e e kjempe klar for litt foradring! Vet det blir hardt, men d e verdt d! Hoere rkte om at daakke ska flytte hjemover ogsaa..?! Det blir jo spennende..! Mye nytt som kjer baade her og der!
Vi snakkes da!
All my love! ;)
Gratulerer så mye!!! Dette var et utrolig skjønt frieri!!!! Ønsker dere Guds rike velsignelse:)
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