Trine and Adrian

WE HAVE MOVED TO ÅLESUND.. pretty crazy after three big and wonderful years in Sydney and Hillsong. A new and exciting season is ahead with wedding in may, norwegian classes for Adrian and work for me, we are moving into a brand new house (Adrian will have the house all to himself until may) and we are going to do lots in our church, Agapekirka. EXCITING AND SCARY ALL AT ONCE!!!!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Road Trip

Monday was a public holiday (we all love those), and the 5 girls in our house took off for a road trip. We drove about 2 hours south past Wollongong, that doesn’t really mean anything for you maybe. But that is the only name I can remember. Don’t even remember the name of the beach we ended up at, but that is ok.. Well, one thing is sure, we had LOTS of food. Katie and I got up (a bit later than we had planned), but we organised food, food and more food and the back of Katie’s car was packed when we all got in there ready for a day out. With two Canadians, one American, one Latina and one Norwegian, it will be an adventure. Lots of noise, fun but definitely great quality time.
Well… as we drove on, we of course had to get a little lost, cause what is a road trip without getting lost.. a little bit tensed in the car for a few minutes, but Autumn ran up to the fire station and a really nice fire guy gave us clear direction, and it was ALL beautiful.
The beach was great! And we got our blankets out and the food and the drinks.. and we ate… put on sun lotion (that means I was the only one using it… ) and laid down. Five minutes later, the biggest sand storm was all over us, and we could hardly talk. Katie with her dark hair looked like she had a severe scalp problem, with sand everywhere! We didn’t last long there, so we packed our stuff and moved up to the park close to the beach and had 3 really lazy hours there, listening to music, talking and sleeping. SOOOOO GOOD!! Of course it involved water fights, rolling around in the grass, taking photos of each other while we were sleeping and all that fun stuff.
Well… After a great day we got in the car and turned our noses towards home… Traffic was BAD, so we shouted, sang and did all the crazy stuff that girls do on a road trip.. People must have thought we were going mad, but it was such a refreshing and great day with the girls!
We truly are blessed with a great house and great girls that have become like sisters..


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