Life Goes On

Anyways it was a wonderful day, and Nikki and John were beautiful!
Sooo.... You all know my passion for kids... so below is three prayer requests that I would love you to help me and pray for...
Please still keep SAM in your prayers. He is now starting to wake up, but he is still on some pretty heavy drugs after the surgery, but let us really pray that he wont have to use them anymore, and that he will be able to breath properly through his nose and mouth. And also that he will start to make sounds.... HOW AMAZING what the doctors have been able to do for him; Please also keep the rest of the family in your thoughts and prayers as they are living full and big days both physically and emotionally. Lord may you give them all the strenght they need to run the race!
Elise, things are going really great! But let us pray for a COMLETE healing and recovery for her and for Margrethe and Vegard, that they can know God in a more intimate way than ever before.
Please also pray for Ask, Carolines little nephew. He has been diagnosed with cancer, it is located behind one of his eyes, and has started with chemo. THis is just NOT cool. And I am sick of the enemy trying to kill, steal and destroyed. Ask is also 1 and his life has just started, Cancer do not belong in his body, PLEASE pray with us as he is going through some tests to see whether the treatment works or not. Let us believe together for a GOD MIRACLE in his life, and for Åshild and Magnus that GOd will just show himself SOOO faithful!
Love you all for praying with me!
Har Ask fått kreft?!?!?! Det hadde ikkje e fått me mej... Vet du ka... blir reint sint av alt ditte her!!! Enda et lite barn på bønne lista mi, da...
En liten hilsen til et vakkert par... : ) Tusen takk for at du fortsetter å huske på oss og legge inn bønnelapper osv, vi trenger det...kanskje særlig nå som alle begynner å forvente bare "seiersrapporter", og det ikke bare kommer slike...Da kan det være lett at folk "dabber av" litt. Men det er her utholdenheten kommer inn. Så tusen takk!! Klem
Kreft bak øyet?? Det er det de fleste barna har her på Intervalle! Det er en veldig uvanlig form for kreft som heter Retinal Blastom, ikke sant? Hvis du hører noe om utifredstillende behandling, så er de visst omtrent "verdensmestre" på feltet her i Lausanne....det kommer folk hit fra hele verden for behandling! Italia, Marokko, Hellas, Tyrkia, -og det er bare akkurat NÅ! Bare si i fra hvis jeg kan sette dem i kontakt med noen eller noe...
Hei Mie...
Jeg så at Åshild som er moren til Ask la igjen en beskjed på bloggen din..
Her kobles mennesker på alle kanter....
Egentlig ganske unikt..
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