Trine and Adrian

WE HAVE MOVED TO ÅLESUND.. pretty crazy after three big and wonderful years in Sydney and Hillsong. A new and exciting season is ahead with wedding in may, norwegian classes for Adrian and work for me, we are moving into a brand new house (Adrian will have the house all to himself until may) and we are going to do lots in our church, Agapekirka. EXCITING AND SCARY ALL AT ONCE!!!!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Hi and Goodbye

If there is one thing I don't like about this place, it is all the goodbyes.. College is a constant hello and goodbye place, and I really dont think it is that cool. I love the fact that you meet people from every continent with all sorts of cultures and languages. Habits, smells and interesting opinions. But when the day comes and people start leaving.. hmm.. that sucks..
But I guess it is a part of life hey..
Last week, Kylee moved out of our house. Kylee is from Canada and has been her almost 4 years. She met James from England at college, and in 4 weeks they are getting married in Canada and then moving to England. How exciting about all the things ahead for them, but sad that she has left us.. The bonus for me was that I got her room which is WAY bigger than my old room, and PRAISE THE LORD it has a proper closet. A big one, so I can fit all my stuff in there(it is amazing how much weird stuff you collect as the months go by).

But yeah.. Audrey which I have been living with the past 18 months left about a month ago. She is from Chicago, but met an aussie (no wonder this college is called Bridal College.. watch out people), and they are getting married in 3 weeks. Chris and Audrey will be coming back to Australia and be a part of the key team at Generation Church at the Gold Coast.

We are back in the office after conference, and it is definately way cruzier than the previous weeks. It feels kind of weird after being so busy, and then some times sitting there counting the cracks in the wall.. haha.. it is not that bad, but time goes slowly when you dont have much to do.. we are starting a new concept for the month of august which basically is an outreach. Creative presentation, and preaching the gospel in a way that is easy to understand for people that yet not know God. I love how this church always focuses on the next thing. It is never just happy where it is at, but always looks for new ways to reach the lost. Challenging and sooooo good!

We are counting down the days to go to Norway. I talked to mum, and her and dad had spent a day at MoldeJazz with my auntie and uncle with beautiful weather,going to a church concert with Take6.. nothing is like the sunnmoeres summer... and I cant wait for Valldals strawberries.. they are DIVINE...

Well well.. hope your day is fantastic...
Talk soon!

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Hillsong Conference 2006

It is almost unreal, but the fact is that Hillsong Conference 2006 in Acer Arena (Superdome) is over. The week of conference that we have been preparing and planned for months, is suddenly gone, and it feels weird but good.
This years conference was the 20th year, and obviously this was celebrated. The line up of speakers and worship leaders was almost unreal, with people like Reinhard Bonke, Rick Warren(Purposedriven Life), Bill Hybels, Matthew Barnett (Dream Centre LA), Jentezen Franklin, Delirious, Alvin Slaughter, Cindy Cruse Ratcliff and Israel Houghton. Powerful messages and amazing worship with all these people and of course the Hillsong Team lead by Brian Houston and Darlene Zschech. It is truly amazing to be a part of this team and this church for this season.Standing at the top section in the main auditorium looking at about 20 000 people fully going for it in worship, jumping, raising their hands and singing... breath taking.. there is no other word...

My role for this years conference was the Entertainment. I was overseeing everything happening on the Outdoor and Expo Stage and also Brian and Bobbies Guest Lounge where they hosted all the Guest Speakers and pastors. I spent most of the week outside, and Praise God for great weather.

The sun was nice and warm, which made it actually enjoyable for the delegates and for me. I was working with John and Bob who are two of the college students, and also a production crew of 8. They did amazing, and we all had a great week.

The crowd was huge at times, as 20 000 people wanted to line up for the night ralllies. Amazing how many people actually walked in and out those doors this week.

One of the most impacting moments for me was wednesday night, when Darlene, Miriam Webster, Israel Houghton, Cindy Cruse Ratcliff and Alvin Slaughter sang We Speak To Nations. It was incredible. The spiritual weight these 5 carried was HUGE. And the congregation went off too. I had tears streaming down my cheeks, and couldnt sing a word. Amazing to see these amazing people doing stuff together. Also thursday night with Israel Houghton and New Breed was phenomenal. They are all black, and their music is sooooo good. If you havent heard any of their stuff, you need to.. they are awesome.. Again, I just cried... ha....

One of the night I found a little girl who I just fell in love with, her name was Chelsea and she is 4. Isnt she just cute??

It is weird that it is over. This morning I could sleep in, and it was soo nice after getting up 530 all week, coming home and get to bed around midnight. My feet seriously hurt so bad at the end of the week, and I wonder how many km I have walked. Up and down and back and forth. Acer Arena is huge, and long distances. But is has been the most amazing time, meeting heaps of people, making new friends and meeting old ones.

Adrian was overseeing and running Revelation, which is the pre entertainment in the main auditorium before the night rallies. That is a huge job, and lots of things to organise and make sure happens. One of the nights they had a guy propose to his girlfriend, and he came flying in from the top of the roof in a Knights outfit. It was funny, but she was happy and she said YES when he asked, so I guess that is what is important. I wasnt too impressed though.. haa.. but then they were older, and they had a very interesting story, as they met at last years conference, and GOD had told her beforehand that she was to meet her husband.. hmm.. God works in mysterious ways, that is all I can say..

Conference is over, and the countdown for our trip to Ålesund has started. It is now only 40 days till we leave Sydney, and we are SOOOO excited.

Danz turning 20

Danniebelle, my fijian sister, was 20 last week and we celebrated her birthday at a cafe in Sydney last saturday night. It was a beautiful evening, and I just had to put in a few photos.
Danniebelle is full of life and heaps of fun, and fully one of the most generous people I know. She has been like a sister to me since the first day I came to Sydney, and has truly become a great and close friend!!

Darling Harbour by night

Beautiful Danniebelle turning 20

Annette and me

Saturday, July 01, 2006


Adrian and I are blessed to be working alongside fantastic leaders. Aran and Kelista Puddle are young, but awesome leaders who have just brought us into their world, believing in us and loving us. It is such an honour to be with them and to be a part of their lives. Aran is one of the Worship Pastors at Hillsong, and Kelista and him are both invovlved with worship leadership and teaching and preaching. I wish everyone of you guys at home had the opportunity to meet them, hopefully that will happen in not too long, cause they have truly impacted my life and they continue to challenge and inspire me every day. Aran is from New Zealand, and he is CRAZY! He often reminds me of my brothers, who are pretty psyko too.. hehe.. think you guys would connect really well… hehe..
Just thought Id put in a couple of photos of us…

We are normal… at least sometimes....

But most of the time we are acting like monkeys….

Aran, Kelista (in green tshirt) and Jeanette, who is my flat mate and also work with Aran in the office as a 3rd year just like Adrian and I.

We love doing life with these people! They truly are rolemodels and leaders we look up to as well as GREAT friends!!

Westbrook Family Gathering

It is Friday, and the last day in the church office, and the last day of preparations before this years Hillsong Conference is done. And it feels crazy and a bit scary. What I havent done now... well, it is not much to do. I am praying and crossing fingers and toes (at least that is what I would say in norwegian), that everything will run smooth, and that none of the bands are pulling out. It is freezing here, and lots of people are fighting off sickness and stuff, but no thank you....

Anyways, we have had a great chillin night with Adrians family. A big barbeque at Ivan and Bridies place with uncles and aunties and cousins. It was so good to just turn off all brain activity after having a big week in the office, and just sit and chat about stuff that really doesnt matter... and of course some things were of more serious character, as the Westbrook brothers are all pastors.. but anyways...

Just adding some photos from tonight..

Sue (Adrians mum), Nat (Adrians sister) and me...

THe boys watching footy outside

Eden is my little boy. He is so amazing!!

Adrians mum, Megan, his 4 year old sister, Natalie and Kilaya who is Aran and Kelista's daughter.

Auntie Debbie and Cousin Paul

We are about to enter 10 FULL ON DAYS! Hillsong Conference starts monday night but on the weekend we have church like normal, 5 services and for us, so conference has already started. It officially ends next sunday after 5 days in the Sydney Superdome with about 25 000 people gathering every day with AWESOME preachers like Reinhard Bonke, Rick Godwin, Rick Warren, Jentezen Franklin, Matthew Barnett and so on. And I have to mention Israel Hougton and NEw Breed, Cindy Cruse Ratcliff and Alvin Slaughter, as well as Delirious and obviously the Hillsong Team. Worship and the word is going to GO OFF! I am soooo excited!!! Friday night we finish in the Superdome, and saturday and sunday we have 5 services as per normal with lots of the guest speaker still being in church.
We are believing for a life changing and transforming week in other peoples lives, but also in our lives.