Westbrook Family Gathering
It is Friday, and the last day in the church office, and the last day of preparations before this years Hillsong Conference is done. And it feels crazy and a bit scary. What I havent done now... well, it is not much to do. I am praying and crossing fingers and toes (at least that is what I would say in norwegian), that everything will run smooth, and that none of the bands are pulling out. It is freezing here, and lots of people are fighting off sickness and stuff, but no thank you....
Anyways, we have had a great chillin night with Adrians family. A big barbeque at Ivan and Bridies place with uncles and aunties and cousins. It was so good to just turn off all brain activity after having a big week in the office, and just sit and chat about stuff that really doesnt matter... and of course some things were of more serious character, as the Westbrook brothers are all pastors.. but anyways...
Just adding some photos from tonight..

Sue (Adrians mum), Nat (Adrians sister) and me...

THe boys watching footy outside

Eden is my little boy. He is so amazing!!

Adrians mum, Megan, his 4 year old sister, Natalie and Kilaya who is Aran and Kelista's daughter.

Auntie Debbie and Cousin Paul
We are about to enter 10 FULL ON DAYS! Hillsong Conference starts monday night but on the weekend we have church like normal, 5 services and for us, so conference has already started. It officially ends next sunday after 5 days in the Sydney Superdome with about 25 000 people gathering every day with AWESOME preachers like Reinhard Bonke, Rick Godwin, Rick Warren, Jentezen Franklin, Matthew Barnett and so on. And I have to mention Israel Hougton and NEw Breed, Cindy Cruse Ratcliff and Alvin Slaughter, as well as Delirious and obviously the Hillsong Team. Worship and the word is going to GO OFF! I am soooo excited!!! Friday night we finish in the Superdome, and saturday and sunday we have 5 services as per normal with lots of the guest speaker still being in church.
We are believing for a life changing and transforming week in other peoples lives, but also in our lives.
Trine, så fiiiin på håret!! Ber om fantastiske dager på konferansen.. savner dere enda mer av å se bildene:) Dere er fantastiske, si "javel" til Adrian fra meg (prøvde å lære ham litt sørlandsk midt oppi all ålesundsdialekten hans..) glad you're in my world!! klem, Oline
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